dijous, 14 de juliol del 2016

slc punk!

Perquè ser punk a Utah no és fàcil, però és sempre millor que a Wyoming. Clar que, també hi ha el tema de les birres:
  • Stevo: This actually needs some explanation. Beer in Supermarkets in Utah is weak, 3 points instead of the normal 6 points of alcohol. It’s the religious influence, and a pain in the ass. Now to me it makes no sense. If you’ve got alcohol, you’ve got alcohol. So why 3 instead of 6? You know a drunk’s just going to drink twice as many beers to get drunk, so you not only have a drunk on your hands, you have a drunk who’s fat and gross. There’s nothing worse.
No puc dir-te com va ser acollit el film en l'escena punk britànica, però puc fer-me una idea:
  • Stevo: Poseurs are people that look like punks, but they did it for fashion. And they were fools, they’d say, “Anarchy in the UK”. See? Poseurs. What good is that to those of us in Utah, America? You don’t live your life by lyrics.
  • Stevo: See, to me, England was nothing more than a big fucking American state like North Dakota or Canada.