dilluns, 23 de juny del 2014

the offspring - the kids aren't alright

Aprofitant que tens el cap pensant on passaràs la revetlla i no et passaràs pel GS (que és el que ja fas, i és normal que estiguis a les terrassetes combatent calor i crisi, deixant pels americans les visites a la pàgina) m'ha passat pel cap penjar aquest vídeo de the offspring. El tema no és nou però, com res no ha canviat gaire, malauradament aguanta bé el pas del temps.

Abans de donar-li un cop d'ull a la lletra m'agradaria proposar-te que li donis un cop d'ull a aquest article d'un professor socialista William K. Tabb, del Dept. of Economics, Political Science & Sociology at Queens College of the City University of New York: Getting Serious About Class Dinamics: Culture, Politics and Class. I si el trobes interessant, pots llegir-te altres sobre la mateixa temàtica.

the offspring - the kids aren't alright (extracte de la lletra)

When we were young the future was so bright
The old neighborhood was so alive
And every kid on the whole damn street
Was gonna make it big and not be beat

Now the neighborhood's cracked and torn
The kids are grown up but their lives are worn
How can one little street
Swallow so many lives

Chances thrown
Nothing's free
Longing for what used to be
Still it's hard
Hard to see
Fragile lives, shattered dreams 

Jamie had a chance, well she really did
Instead she dropped out and had a couple of kids
Mark still lives at home cause he's got no job
He just plays guitar and smokes a lot of pot

Jay committed suicide
Brandon OD'd and died
What the hell is going on
The cruelest dream, reality